December 28th, 2009 -- Respect for the Truckers

18wheelYou’re in a hurry.  You need to get Sally at soccer practice … you’re late for a business meeting … you just need to pick up some groceries and get home …  And then it happens.  A tractor trailer is turning right up ahead and taking up 2 lanes!  The nerve!  It’s a good thing the kids aren’t in the car to hear what you just said.

But let’s stop for a minute.  Just stop and think about all that the guys and gals who drive these rigs do for us.  And then let’s think about all the crap that they have to put up with.


Next time you’re in your favourite grocery store, look at the shelves laden with fresh produce and food.  When you’re at the gas pump, think about those huge tanks underground that store the precious petrol you’re putting in your car.  When you’re buying clothes or Christmas presents check out the amazing selection you see in the stores.

Where does all this stuff come from?  How did it all get here?  Well, the answer to the first question is “everywhere”.  The answer to the second is “trucks”.  That’s right — those big, smelly, slow, aggravating tractor-trailers.

Not just convenience is tied to trucking.  Manufacturers are dependent on trucks to have supplies of parts and to deliver their products.  While trains, planes and boats play a big part, trucks are the major carriers of goods in our society.

I’ve heard it said that 3 days is all it would take for the economy to shut down it trucks stopped running.  No fresh produce.  No fuel.  Manufacturing would shut down.

Driving a Truck

Truck drivers work long hours.  Some drive throughout North America picking up such cargo as fresh fruit and vegetables from Florida or California in the middle of winter for snowbound northerners.  Others deliver packages, or pick up our trash, or clear the snow from our roadways.  Hours spent on the roads, putting up with the things that other drivers do to them.

Sure there are some bad truck drivers.  There are bad people in every job.  But the fact is that most of the drivers are good, hard working people who are doing their best to make our lives easier.

Put yourself in the position of a truck driver.  Trucks are huge.  They need more room to turn, to stop, to accelerate.  They need more room for just about everything that they do.  When a truck driver is half way into the 2nd lane for a right hand turn, that is because they need that extra room to keep the trailer off the sidewalk.  When a truck in front of you is going too slow, remember that they’re hauling tons of produce.  A truck can’t accelerate like your Indy car.

And think about the blind spots in a truck.  I’m sure you’ve had an experience with someone sitting in your blind spot — you can’t see them in your mirror and they’re just far enough back that you can’t see them beside you.  But start your lane change and there they are!  The blind spots for a truck driver are massive.  The windows on a truck are higher than most other vehicles on the road.  Remember that when your on the passenger side of a truck, especially if you’re in front of the mirrors — they can’t see you there!  The blind spot in front of a truck is big enough to lose a pickup truck in.  And they can’t see anything at all behind them.

So, stay away from the blind spots.  Pass a truck quickly and if you ever find yourself on the right side of a truck get out of there as fast as you can safely do it!  There is a reason for the <-Passing Side / Suicide -> bumper stickers you see on some trucks.

Don’t cut in front of a truck and then slow down.  They can’t stop as fast as you can (plus you’re back in a blind spot).  Give them some room.


Trucks can be an aggravation when we are stuck behind them and they slow us down.  But they are the blood of our economy — moving goods to where they need to be and removing wastes.  So next time a truck driver slows you down for a few seconds, rather than saying “@!**!” why not simply say “Thanks”.

This post was written by Bill Nickerson, a blogger, trainer and web developer who is also Sylvie’s husband.  He has developed and delivered training for the trucking industry (Hours of Service, Pre-Trip Inspections and Cargo Securement) as well as technology.


  1. Big respect to all truck drivers, you guys are doing a nice job though you get on our nerve sometimes, but we just have to endure.

    Comment by Benjamin — March 17, 2016 @ 6:45 am

  2. Yes, getting behind a truck sometimes can be very annoying. If starting from a stopped position (plus going up hill), it can be a slow ride. But it is true, they carry goods that all of us want and need. I think it would be hard to be a truck driver; all those hours. All that sitting. All that driving! They’ve got my respect.

    Comment by Jeff Collins — April 29, 2016 @ 2:53 pm

  3. I do respect truck drivers but it gets on my nerve when they try to overtake.

    Comment by Edna — June 20, 2016 @ 4:29 am

  4. I think being a truck driver is the hardest job ever. The long distances and the huge/ tons of goods they carry that’s a challenge indeed

    Comment by FoA — June 20, 2016 @ 4:52 am

  5. I second you Jeff, these guys do alot of work tht needs full concentration. Even when am driving I gives them first priority making their drive at ease. Thank you for sharing this.

    Comment by cate — June 21, 2016 @ 7:51 am

  6. Trucking is a tough job, but an important one. They’re not easy to drive, and there are a ton rules to go along with them.

    Comment by Truckers Insider — October 14, 2017 @ 8:08 pm

  7. A big respect for this post.. Truck Drivers travel for long hours and sometimes more than a day. They carry our goods with big responsibility… Driving a truck is not easy..

    Comment by Alan — May 11, 2018 @ 3:26 am

  8. I worked for a grocery chain for a long time, and you start to see the importance of trucks and drivers when deliveries are delayed due to weather or other problems. Gave me a great appreciation for them every time I pass one on the road.

    Comment by Tim Artman — June 25, 2019 @ 3:52 pm

  9. hats off to truck drivers for their awesome work they travel a long way to facilitate public and a huge respect to you for posting such kind of stuff, you are just like a mirror showing the struggle of truck drivers, great work keep going.

    Comment by David Watson — July 1, 2019 @ 4:45 am

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